By Kelsey Weaver
Ah, summer — the perfect time to unwind, bask in the sun, and lose yourself in the pages of a good book. While our team is known for their marketing expertise and creativity on social media, it’s not surprising that this group of strategic storytellers has a passion for the written word in their free time as well. Thus, we’ve compiled personal book recommendations to give you a summer reading list that promises to inspire, entertain, and broaden horizons.
For Fantasy Fanatics:
Our brilliant Managing Editor Zach is excited to dive into The Obelisk Gate, book two in N.K. Jemisin's Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy. This post-apocalyptic fantasy epic delves into big themes including climate change and parenthood, and Zach appreciates how Jemisin weaves a captivating narrative while tackling important social issues. As a fellow Tulane alum, he takes pride in seeing the success of a talented writer from his alma mater.
For Mystery Marvelors:
As a busy team member juggling both kids and coworkers, Operations Director Katie seeks paranormal mystery novels for her reading pleasure. She is currently reading Pie Hard — part of Kirsten Weiss's extensive series of cozy mysteries — in which a murder shakes Pie Town and a struggling baker follows the trail of crumbs to uncover the killer and secure her dreams.
For Self-Help Seekers:
Our in-house free-spirit and Director of Strategy Amanda is devouring Women Who Run With the Wolves, a collection of potent myths and stories that are both easy to read and deeply applicable to all areas of a woman's life. These short stories touch on empowerment, motherhood, and various aspects of womanhood — Amanda appreciates the meditative and thought-provoking nature of this book and how it provides a refreshing break from surface-level fiction novels.
For High Fantasy Fans:
Community Manager Alyssa — who admittedly *only* chooses books by their covers (#redflag 🚩) — is picking up The Shadow of What Was Lost for her summer reading in the sun. This thick high fantasy novel caught her attention with its intriguing cover and promises of memory loss, a hero's destiny, war, secrets, and magic. In its pages, a young man with forbidden magic abilities finds himself drawn into an ancient war against a dangerous enemy, beginning a coming-of-age epic that readers have a hard time putting down.
For Busy Parents With Growing Littles:
Ad Strategist Molly, a devoted mother, knows the joys and challenges of balancing a busy schedule. In the midst of her responsibilities, Molly finds joy in reading with her son Cole. Currently, their favorite book is Little Blue Truck, a delightful story that not only captivates Cole's imagination but also helps him learn animal sounds.
For Faith Followers:
Community Manager Kelsey is a skilled multitasker, both in her professional life and in her reading habits. True to form, she’s always reading multiple books at once (which may be another #redflag). While she typically gravitates towards self-help and entrepreneurship reads, she has been on a journey of exploring faith, which is reflected in her reading list. On her roster is Created to Dream, When Things Fall Apart, Unshakable: Standing Strong When Things Go Wrong, and On Marriage and Family Life: St. John Chrysostom.
For Science Fiction Supporters:
CEO Eric has been introduced to the captivating world of Ann Leckie's writing through his daughter Simone, a devoted fan. Simone brought him Ancillary Justice during a quick visit and assured him that he would be addicted to the series. This summer, he’s excited to explore this enthralling tale that follows a warship trapped in a human body on a quest for revenge.
From post-apocalyptic fantasy and cozy mysteries to personal growth and transformative narratives, our team's summer reading recommendations provide valuable insights and inspiration. So grab a book, find a sunny spot, and embark on a journey of discovery with the team's diverse summer reading list! And if you want social media help from this group of literary tastemakers, you know where to get in touch.
Kelsey Weaver is a creative community manager who takes pride in her expertise when crafting engaging and visually appealing content. With over five years of experience in the industry and an unmatched desire to help clients succeed, she’s a powerful part of our national team.